Sunday, November 29, 2009

Should Be Running Today

Today is Sunday November 29, 2009. It is another beautiful day. It didn't get as cold as the weatherman had said it was going to get. Happy about that.

Yesterday we finished getting the engine put back together and into the Jeep. Got so close to finishing and then lost daylight. So this morning while I am writing this he is finishing it up. While it was torn down he said that we could replace the clutch plate or wait six months to do it. I knew what his answer was going to be. We do it now and won't have to tear this thing apart again. So we also replaced the clutch plate.

After it is all together again, it will be time to run to the Home Depot and get the material for the shelf/table and get groceries. While he is building the shelf, I will cook 22 days of food for him to take with him. Get another load of his laundry done, his jackets and things like that.

Today is also bake bread day and he wants banana nut, so that is what he will get. He will be leaving tomorrow, this trip he will be gone for 22 days. But he will be home for 11 days, so there is an up side to this.

Have to get out there and help him finish up so we can get in a forward direction with the rest of our chores.

Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today. ~Brightest Blessings~


  1. Good morning hon..have been hiding all weekend..have you decided to stay put? Wow I wish my OH could do this stuff..worthless with cars..LOL!! Hope things are going ok for you hon!! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Good luck with the Jeep and a Happy Belated Thanksgiving too! :)

  3. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it runs smoothly. I know how car repairs can go. I'm always amazed at how much you get done in a day! I get tired just thinking about it all! :-)

    Ummm, where is form we fill out to request our loaf of bread?


  4. You were busy busy ladt today...I was too...moving middle daughter in for a lil while...Job change over...And got two good books at the library...1. Bud, Blossom, and Leaf; Morrison 2. Natural Witchery; Dugan 3. Essential Herbal Wisdom; Arrowsmith 4. The Whole Herb; Pleasant.........Getting my natural healthy on and planning for indoors and outdoors garden.


  5. Dede, you have had a packed weekend!! Happy to hear you will have your own wheels again, yippeee!! Taking the motor out is a huge project, nice that hubby can do that himself. Sure hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  6. Wow cooking 22 days of food is alot..but I am sure much appreciated by your husband. What a nice way to show someone how much you love and care by making them homemade meals!

  7. How the hell do you cook 22 days of food.

    I can't even cook 1.

    Love Renee xoxo


It was nice of you to take time out of your busy day to stop by. Blessings to you and your family! (((HUGS)))