Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So Excited MHA First Giveaway

Today is Tuesday, November 10, 2009. It was cloudy for most of the day and then the rains came rushing in. We are supposed to have rain again tomorrow. But, that's OK we need it.

Magical Holiday Artists on Etsy is having their very first giveaway and it is a good one. If you haven't yet entered into this wonderful event, jump on over there and do so. Wonderful offerings to be had. Nothing to buy, no shipping to pay, just follow the blog and leave your comment. And if you too have a blog, make mention of this fantastic giveaway there too. Just to easy!

I did get the pool closed down today! Yea! No more working on that for this season. Good thing to with all of the rain and the wind, blowing all of those pine needles. It took about 4 hours to do, but it is done.

Tomorrow will be time to bake more bread and I am going to do coconut cream with flaked coconut. This was a really yummy one too.

Talked with hubby tonight and he said he hasn't found a house yet. I don't think he has even looked. Sooo, I told him that if this doesn't happen in three weeks as planned, I am going to learn to enjoy spending money and start home projects. Home Depot has home improvement classes every weekend. This really sparks my interest and I think this would really be fun to do.

I could have a blast redoing my bedroom and bathroom. Oh, new paint and flooring and tile in the bathroom. Then of course new bedding and curtains and towels. Put in a large window in the bathroom over the garden tub with that stone looking tile leading up to it. Wouldn't that be fun? I enjoy doing these kinds of projects. Just never had the time before to do them. Then I would be so busy that I wouldn't have the time to miss him as much. hehehe

Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today.~Brightest Blessings~


  1. Glad you got the pool done - I thought your kids would be swimming in it until January!

    Home improvement projects are wonderful! I'm looking into a few of those this winter too! Let us know what happens!

  2. Yea... you got the pool done.... You sound like a busy woman... A good thing to be... Your bread sounds yummy... making me want to start making mine....which I just may do today... Have a beautiful day.... blessings

  3. Congratulations! I have chosen you as one of my recipients of the Best Blog Award. Please check out my blog for details and a link for the picture that goes along with the award.

  4. Dede would you be able to go out there and look with him?



It was nice of you to take time out of your busy day to stop by. Blessings to you and your family! (((HUGS)))