Monday, October 27, 2008

Brightest Blessings Wiccans 10% off on Tickle Me Tuesday on Bonanzle

Good Morning! I have made a mistake on the vote on your favorite Bonanzle Booth. It will be next Tuesday, Election Day. So, make sure that you get out there and vote twice that day. Tomorrow is Tickle Me Tuesday on Bonanzle with 43 participating Bonanzle Booths at this moment! Tomorrow is also a New Moon. A time for new begingins and time to write those Abundance Checks. For those of you who don't know how to do this, it is very easy to do. Take out a blank check, on the Pay to the Order Line, put your name, write NO date, in the amount box, write paid in full, in the written amount line, again write paid in full. Now sign the check Law of Abundance, where your bank name is cross it out and write, Universal Bank of Abundance. Just put it away in a safe place and watch the abundance flow to you. This needs to be done within 24 hours of a New Moon. Every New Moon I always smudge my house. We tend to get lazy about protecting ourselves and our homes and often don't smudge until "something" is happening. You have to remember, you are in control of the things that you do to protect yourself and family. We can not get lazy about it, or I forgot. Remember to give thanks everyday for all of your blessings! Even the little things! Do remember to use your Book of Shadows,everyday. There is always something to add to it. Please stop by my Bonanzle Booth BrightestBlessingsWiccans Bonanzle Booth and say hello!
Make sure you stop at Starlights Wands Bonanzle Booth and check out her beautiful handmade with crystals and feathes wands. Stop by and say hi to her!

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It was nice of you to take time out of your busy day to stop by. Blessings to you and your family! (((HUGS)))