Thursday, February 14, 2013

National Chocolate Day

Today is Thursday, February 14, 2013. It's Valentine's Day!  The big chocolate day! BUT I don't need a day to eat chocolate, oh no, never have.  I love chocolate, not just any chocolate, but dark chocolate. It's silly but I still remember eating my first ever piece.  It was in one of those Hersey Variety chocolate bags.  My friend said she didn't like those, so I had to give it a  try and oh my, I was in chocolate heaven! Needless to say I took all of "those ones" off her hands and discovered that I could purchase a jumbo Hersey Dark Chocolate bar.

Does anyone remember the "Chunky" candy bars?  Oh those were so good and of course I haven't seen those in years.  Probably gone forever..... Probably replaced with something gummi I am sure.  Oh and the York Peppermint Patty, I to this day buy  one on the way out at the checkout stand to eat one the way home and one to put on George's pillow.  He gets this big ole smile on his face when he goes to change his clothes after work. Like a little kid he is.

Then Dove came out with dark chocolate, it's good but I think my first love Hersey is tops.  There is an orange peel covered in dark chocolate too and it is off the chain good. And to think I before the discovery of dark chocolate that the peanut butter cup was my chocolate fix.

I was able to cut a few fabric journal pages and covers yesterday and hope to be able to work on a couple of them, might not be able to get them finished but, I will get started.  They do take a bit of time from start to finish.  then there are the two wooden journals that are started, hmmmm, which will be completed first.  Here we go again with not finishing projects before starting new ones. I seem to get more done that way, that's what my story and I am sticking to it. LOL

Happy Valentine's Day!

~Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today!~ Brightest Blessing


  1. Happy Love Day! I'm a dark chocolate fan myself! Dark chocolate Brownies dipped in more chocolate! :)

  2. Hi love! I am sorry it took me so long to respond but i was so busy!
    Thank you for the lovely wish. Unfortunately, hubby was down with a cold and not only i did n't get any flowers i was on nurse duty too. I do n't mind though, the only thing that sucks is that he is such a baby. A five year old would be far easier to scrub with vapor rub!


It was nice of you to take time out of your busy day to stop by. Blessings to you and your family! (((HUGS)))