Monday, June 29, 2009

It's Monday

Today is Monday, June 29, 2009. It started out to be a beautiful day, went and watered the plants and hung out the laundry. Things were moving along very nice. Then came the wind and clouds. Here came the rain...... I guess we need take the lead of the critters and not worry so much about getting things done and just relax. That load of laundry would have waited until tomorrow and well mother earth takes very good care of our earth.

Still cutting out the squares for my sons blanket. Had company yesterday so that day not to much go done. It was a very relaxing and enjoyable. Cooked out and played in the pool. After the pool we planted the six golden chain trees that I started from seeds, they are about 18 inches tall now and ready to go into the ground.

Colors for this week:
Monday Silver
Tuesday Scarlet
Wednesday White
Thursday Purple
Friday Coral
Saturday Black
Sunday Orange

Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Please remember to take some "me" time. Brightest Blessings!

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It was nice of you to take time out of your busy day to stop by. Blessings to you and your family! (((HUGS)))